Wednesday, June 12, 2013


we are in Bordeaux
we had a great train ride
except for the spot when they stopped the train and made a staticky announcement which we could not understand
our seatmate informed us that there was a suicide up ahead
holy crap  -- not how we expected our train trip to turn out
we were on our way very quickly and had one more short wait
we arrived about 15 minutes late  -- no big deal we don't have to be anywhere
we arrived at our hostel
it is beautiful
king and twin bed
4th floor (with elevator)
inside bathroom
we headed out to book a wine tour and ended up walking until almost 9:00
it is about 15° warmer here than Paris
we had an awesome day
now we are having parma ham, smoked salmon, olives, baguette and cheese

oh and this  -- picture a bottle of Bordeaux
i can't download it from my kobo
actually I just put it on facebook

ok we are bagged
and we have a wine tour tomorrow morning

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