Friday, June 21, 2013

West Bay to Abbotsbury

breakfast was bacon sandwich
really embracing my inner bread eater

a perfectly drizzly day for a walk
first i had to make it over the cliff
which I did, yay me
then another one,

it was misty and just the right temperature for walking
it was pretty easy going
and i didnt have too much trouble following the guidebook

had lunch at the Hive -- another bacon sandwich
i love british bacon, yum yum

i did walk into Abbotbury at about 2:30
and discovered that my room would not be available until 5
so off to the Swannery, where some cygnets are in the midst of hatching

great way to kill a few hours and add another 4 miles to your day

back into town and dinner at The Swan, baguette with BLT, yes more of that british bacon and it was a very yummy baguette

if i had read my guidebook clearly i would have seen that it was 15k, plus the extrabfor the swannery, i was bagged

the b&b was ready for me
by 9:00 lights were out and i was out as well

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