Friday, June 7, 2013

Gearing up

Well, part of our journey has begun.  Melanie is now in Europe,  I am heading over very soon.

I was worried about how my knapsack would handle the travel, especially considering how my new Heys ended up after travelling to Windsor a few weeks ago.  Amanda and I went to Salvation Army yesterday looking for used luggage.  We found one that's a good size, the thinking is that the knapsack will travel inside the used luggage (and save on wear and tear), then the luggage will stay in Europe.  It was half price day at Goodwill, so for $7.50 I got a great piece of Samsonite (I think it is from 1950) but it will definitely keep my bag intact for the journey.  Almost packed now (must rethink taking the entire medicine chest, I know there will be lots of places to stop and shop along the way),  And, we are almost off!!

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