Tuesday, July 16, 2013

more Paris (but really only the airport), Detroit and home again

Up bright and early for my 11am flight back to Canada
arrived at the airport a few minutes after 9
along with 100,000 of my favourite Americans
the lines were long
the grumblings were loud
the lines felt longer
the stress levels were getting higher as we approached one hour to boarding time
then we had to go through security
if they were tense through the first line they were through the roof during this one
but we all made it
I managed to do some quick shopping
and still have time to sit before the flight boarded
we were about an hour late finally leaving Paris
but we made good time and arrived in Detroit on time

which was good, because you have to go through about 5 different check points for American travel
which was all fine
I wandered through arrivals hoping to catch sight of Dad and Em,
who were coming to spend some time with me to help ease my 8 hour layover
I wandered for a while and then finally asked about International arrivals
headed downstairs, and there was Emilie they had just arrived, so perfect timing
we had  a nice lunch together
and I got to share my pictures with them
and it was lovely

headed back to the airport,
no great lineups

it started raining and there were thunderstorms rolling through
many flights were delayed (mine, an hour)
and many more were cancelled altogether (not mine thankfully)
finally after 'travelling' for 21 hours I was home

thanks Brock for picking me up

and that is it my adventure is over

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