Monday, July 8, 2013


It was a very quick walk this morning
The guide book warns about the huge hill (Mount Joy of all things)
And I arrived before I even realized it
I was with a couple from Texas and I embarrassed myself by crying in front of them
It was quite an emotional moment
Then a 5k walk to the cathedral and I arrived at the same time as a very cool Danish grandmother I had met the other day who was walking with her 9 and 11 year old grandsons, again, very emotional
I got to the Pilgrims Office by 11, got my certificate (no Latin name for me though) and arrived to a very full cathedral by 11:45.  An interesting, long, service, no butafumiere though, bummer.
Then off to the post office to dump some clothing that I don't want to throw out, but didn't want to carry around anymore.
And off to shop ( I just dumped 5lbs worth of stuff, now I have room).
It is incredibly hot again, so back to the hotel for a great shower and some screen time.

Heading out to find some dinner.

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